Oracle ASMLib: Physical and Logical Blocksize
This article is about the use of Advanced Format devices on Oracle’s ASMLib kernel library for Linux. For background, read this page on 4k sector sizes first, otherwise it might all sound like...
View ArticleNew installation cookbook for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 SP3
Exactly what it says on the tin, I’ve added a new installation cookbook for SUSE 11 SP3 which creates Violin on a set of 4k devices. I’ve started setting the add_random tunable of the noop I/O...
View ArticleThe Ultimate Guide To Oracle with Advanced Format 4k
It’s a brave thing, calling something the “Ultimate Guide To …” as it can leave you open to criticism that it’s anything but. However, this topic – of how Oracle runs on Advanced Format storage...
View ArticleOracle ASM Filter Driver: First Impressions
This is a very quick post, because I’m about to log off and take an extended summer holiday (or vacation as my crazy American friends call it… but then they call football “soccer” too). Before I go, I...
View ArticleOracle ASM Filter Driver: Advanced Format Fail
In my previous post on the subject of the new ASM Filter Driver (AFD) feature introduced in Oracle’s patchset, I installed the AFD to see how it fulfilled its promise that it “filters out all...
View ArticleViewing ASM trace files in VIM: Which Way Do You Use?
A couple of people have asked me recently about a classic problem that most DBAs know: how to view ASM trace files in the VIM editor when the filenames start with a + character. To my surprise, there...
View ArticleImplementing Linux native multipathing or DM-MPIO together with EMC PowerPath
Guest Post I’m delighted to say that this is another guest post from my good friend Nate Fuzi, who performs the same role as me for Violin but is based in the US instead of EMEA. Because he is...
View ArticleThe Great Hypervisor Bake-off: VMware ESX vs Oracle VM
This is a very simple post to show the results of some recent testing that Tom and I ran using Oracle SLOB on Violin to determine the impact of using virtualization. But before we get to that, I am...
View ArticleOracle’s ASM Filter Driver Revisited
Almost exactly a year ago I published a post covering my first impressions of the ASM Filter Driver (ASMFD) released in Oracle, followed swiftly by a second post showing that it didn’t work...
View ArticleNew Installation Cookbook: Oracle Linux 6.7 with Oracle RAC
I’ve updated my install cookbooks page to include a new cookbook for installation of Oracle Real Application Clusters on Oracle Linux 6.7. This is also the first one I’ve published since I...
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